Vuk Miletić

Vuk Miletić rođen je u Beogradu 20.11.1979. godine. Nakon završetka Pete beogradske gimnazije, upisuje Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Katedru za pozorišnu i radio produkciju na kojoj diplomira 2007. godine.
Nakon završenog fakulteta radio je na brojnim poslovima u oblasti kulture, ali i privrede, kao i posao ivent menadžera u marketinškoj agenciji I team.
Radio je kao izvršni producent na nekoliko predstava privatne produkcije. Osnivač je organizacije Kulturni element koja okuplja mlade profesionalce iz oblasti kulture i umetnosti (2011).
Radio je na poziciji PR menadžera festivala Koreografske minijature. Nekoliko godina radio je u organizaciji Bitef festivala, a trenutno je izvršni producent dva međunarodna festivala: Festivala monodrame i pantomime koji se 45 godina održava u Beogradu i Novog tvrđava teatra koji se održava u Vili Stanković u Čortanovcima.
Od 2013. godine je stalno zaposlen u Narodnom pozorištu u Beogradu kao producent u odseku za produkciju – domaću i međunarodnu saradnju.
Radio je kao saradnik u Pozorišnim novinama, periodičnom časopisu koje izdaje Narodno pozorište.
Doktorirao je 2020. godine na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti, na smeru Menadžment kulture i medija.
Osnovni podaci
Vuk Miletić was born in Belgrade on November 20, 1979.
After graduating from the Fifth Belgrade Gymnasium, he enrolled at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Department of Theater and Radio Production, where he graduated in 2007.
After graduating from the faculty, he worked on numerous jobs in the field of culture, but also the economy, as well as the job of event manager in the marketing agency I team.
He has worked as an executive producer on several private theater productions.
He is the founder of the organization Cultural Element, which brings together young professionals in the field of culture and art (2011).
He worked as the PR manager of the Choreographic Miniature Festival.
He worked for several years in the organization of the Bitef Festival, and is currently the executive producer of two international festivals: the Monodrama and Pantomime Festival, which has been held in Belgrade for 45 years, and the New Fortress Theater, which is held at Villa Stanković in Čortanovci. Since 2013, he has been permanently employed at the National Theater in Belgrade as a producer in the production department - domestic and international cooperation.
He worked as an associate in Pozorišne novine, a periodical magazine published by the National Theater. He received his doctorate in 2020 at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, majoring in Culture and Media Management.