The charming setting of the National Theatre “Workshop” stage hosted its first performance

16 September 2020
On September 15 in the courtyard of the National Theatre in Belgrade art studio situated at Gundulićev venac Street the first play was performed on the outdoor stage - “Workshop”.
The National Theatre in Belgrade and “Rossi Fest” cooperated on the modern version of the most famous Bizet’s opera, “Carmen, a Tragedy” to commemorate the European Days of Jewish Culture. The opera is directed by Ana Grigorović and the conductor is Stefan Zekić.
Nataša Rašić (Carmen), Marko Živković (Jose), Vuk Zekić (Escamillo), Evgenija Jeremić (Micaela), Nemanja Stamatović (Lilas Pastia), Đorđe Živadinović Grgur (Garcia) and Pavle Žarkov (Zuniga) play the opera title characters.
The stage design is the work of Dunja Kostić, the costume designer is Ivana Ivić and the choreographer is Tamara Pjević.
The members of the National Theatre orchestra participated in the production.
The audience enjoyed this wonderful opera under the stars.
All seats were taken and the viewers adhered to all the protection measures prescribed by the Crisis Team.
The National Theatre plans on staging plays and preparing new interesting projects in this unusual space in the future.