black comedy by Željko Hubač

Play Bizarre made it into top five at the Sterijino Pozorje Festival in 2008 and was published in the Scena Magazine. The same year, English version of the play was published in a special edition of the Scena in English. The play was also translated into Russian, Bulgarian and Polish languages. Its first premiere took place in the Bosnian National Theatre in Zenica, March 2010; the production was directed by Petar Kaukov. At the Regional Theatre Festival in Brčko, in the competition of authors from ex-YU territories (Mirko Kovač, Ante Tomić, etc.), Bizarre won the Best Drama Text Award according to the jury chaired by Ms. Mani Gotovac, a dramaturge from Zagreb. Bizarre was published in the compilation of plays, titled Bizarre, by the same author. It was published by KIZ Altera, Belgrade and Theatre of Šabac.
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... Bizarre is a bleakly funny fugue of death, set on several levels of an apartment building in Belgrade populated by junkies, hookers and mobsters, suggesting that the outcome for none of these desperate characters could be good…
Nicole Estvanik Taylor, Fugue on death – Bizarre
American Theatre Magazine, New York, February 2010
Željko Hubač was born in Tuzla in 1967. He graduated from the Department of Dramaturgy at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. His plays had 32 premieres in professional theatres throughout Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and more than 1000 performances. Productions of his plays and adaptations made it into the selection of 39 theatre festivals (Sterijino Pozorje, New Drama Festival in Saint Petersburg, City-Theatre Budva, Summer Festival Split, BiH Drama Festival in Zenica, Comedy Days in Jagodina, JoakimFest in Kragujevac, Puppet Theatre Festival in Rijeka, International Children's Theatre Festival in Kotor, etc.) and won more than 40 awards. Hubač won 10 awards for his plays, both in the country and abroad (Best Drama Text in the Professional Theatres of Serbia Festival “Joakim Vujić” in 1994; “Branislav Nušić“ Awards presented by the Association of Serbian Playwrights in 1996 and 1998; Award for Best Text at the Serbian Puppet Theatres Festival in 2002; Award for the Best Comedy at the Comedy Days Festival in 2004, Award for the Best Modern Drama Text at the BiH Theatre Festival in 2010, etc.). His dramas have been translated into English, German, Russian, Bulgarian and Polish languages. In addition, Hubač authored numerous TV shows, two series and one TV drama. Hubač wrote theatre reviews for the Danas Daily; he was the editor of Serbian Museum of Theatre Arts Monograph and of theatre magazine Teatron, editor in chief in the Publishing Department of the National Theatre in Belgrade and a dramaturge in the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad. Currently, he is engaged as a dramaturge in the National Theatre in Belgrade. He is also professionally engaged in stage directing.
Snežana Trišić was born in Belgrade in 1981. In 2009, she graduated from the Department of Theatre and Radio Directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, in the class of Professor Nikola Jevtić and Assistant Professor Alisa Stojanović. Selection of her productions: Family Stories by Biljana Srbljanović (Faculty of Dramatic Arts, 2007); The Class by Matjaž Zupančić (National Theatre of Republika Srpska, Banja Luka, 2009); Samoudica by Aleksandar Radivojević (Theatre Atelje 212, 2009); Hedda Gabler by Henrik Ibsen (National Theatre in Belgrade, 2011); How Much is Pate? by Tanja Šljivar (Theatre Atelje 212, 2012); A Miracle in The Viper’s Sweetheart by Ante Tomić / Maja Pelević (National Theatre in Subotica, 2012); The People’s Drama by Olga Dimitrijević (Bora Stanković Theatre in Vranje, 2012); Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi / Jelena Mijović (City Theatre Podgorica, 2013). Snežana directed public readings of modern plays: The Rockslide by Dora Delbianco (National Theatre in Belgrade, 2010); The People’s Drama by Olga Dimitrijević (Hartefakt Fund and Loud and Queer, Club Gun, 2011); How Much is Pate? by Tanja Šljivar (Theatre Atelje 212, 2011); Pixie Dust by Dimitri Kokanov (UK Steamboat, 2013).
The productions she directed were performed in numerous festivals both in the country and abroad, and received numerous awards. Some of the awards:
A Miracle in The Viper’s Sweetheart – Award for Best Performance at the Fortress Theatre Festival in Smederevo, 2013;
Pinocchio – Award for Best Performance at 21st Children Theatre Festival in Kotor, as per decision of the Children’s Jury and the Jury of the Town of Kotor, 2013;
Hedda Gabler – Award for Best Performance at the “Theatre in Single Action” Festival in Mladenovac, 2011;
Samoudica – “Ljubomir Muci Draškić” Award for Best Director, Atelje 212 and the City of Belgrade, 2009;
Family Stories – Award for Directing at SETKANI / ENCOUNTER 2008 (International Festival of Theatre Schools in Brno), Czech Republic, 2008.
As best in class in her generation, she won the “Hugo Klein” award, Faculty of Dramatic Arts, 2007. As a recipient of Kennedy scholarship (John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, U.S. State Department), Snežana Trišić participated in the programme for stage directors and in numerous workshops in Washington D.C. and Chicago, 2010. Since August 2013, she has been appointed a stage director with permanent engagement in the National Theatre in Subotica.
Premiere performance
Premiere, October 12, 2014 / "Raša Plaović" Stage
Director Snežana Trišić
Dramaturge Spasoje Ž. Milovanović
Set Designer Darko Nedeljković
Costume Designer Marina Medenica
Composer Srđan Marković
Stage movement Tamara Antonijević
Stage speech Diana Marojević Diklić
Premiere Cast:
Martin, Riči, Dejan Igor Đorđević
Điđa, Saša, Gaga Nikola Vujović
Voja , Milan, Biksa Miloš Đorđević
Katarina, Majda, Svetlana Sonja Milojević
Mina, Ksenija, Iva Suzana Lukić
Producer Jasmina Urošević
Stage manager Sandra Žugić Rokvić
Prompter Danica Stevanović
Sound designer Vladimir Petričević
Assistent dramaturge Dimitrije Kokanov
Assistent Producer Natalija Ignjić
Assistent Set Designer Ema Stojković
Costume adjustment Olga Mrdjenović
Make-up Dragoljub Jeremić
Light operater Dušan Pivač
Set crew Chief Zoran Mirić
Sound Operater Dejan Dražić