Actress Jovana Stojiljković is the Recipient of the "Petar Banićević" Award

14 January 2022
Actress Jovana Stojiljković is the recipient of the "Petar Banićević" Award for her role of Sofka in the play "Impure Blood", based on the motifs of Borisav Stanković's novel, dramatized by Maja Todorović and directed by Milan Nešković.
The unanimous decision about the award presented by the National Theatre in Belgrade to a young actor or actress under 40 who gave outstanding artistic performance in the previous period, but who also demonstrated a high level of professionalism in work and attitude towards the national theatre, was made by a jury chaired by the retired premier stage actress Dobrila Stojnić, and the jury members were the previous recipient of the "Petar Banićević" Award, Suzana Lukić, and the Drama Manager, Molina Udovički Fotez.
“Thanks to her exceptional talent and dedicated work, Jovana Stojiljković cast light on every flicker of Sofka's complex character and breathed stage life into her with an extremely refined sense of partner play, while demonstrating how respectful and aware a young artist can be of the fact that a play is, primarily, a collective artistic act”, it is stated in the jury’s elaboration.
The award was established in 2010 in memory of the National Theatre in Belgrade premier stage actor and the doyen of the Yugoslav and Serbian theatre, Petar Banićević (1930-2006).
During his remarkable career, he played on almost all Belgrade stages.
He was a member of the National Theatre since 1954 and played more than 50 roles on that stage.
He appeared in more than 50 television plays and TV series - "Captain Mikula the Little", "Banjica", "Better Life", "Happy People", "Nineteen Forty-Eight", "Vuk Karadžić", and he played very notable roles in the films "It Rains in My Village", "Sutjeska", "Dreams, Life and Death of Filip Filipović" ...
For his exceptional acting achievements he received several prestigious awards such as the October Award, "Thirteenth of July" Award, "Seventh of July" Award, "Milivoje Živanović" Award, "Raša Plaović" Award, Sterija Award, "Dobrica’s Ring" Lifetime Achievement Award...
The "Petar Banićević" Award was first presented in 2011, and the previous laureates were: Igor Đorđević, Nenad Stojmenović, Miloš Đorđević, Nada Šargin, Pavle Jerinić, Sena Đorović, Bojan Krivokapić and Suzana Lukić.