Dalija Imanić Savić

Dalija Imanić Savić
15.11.1974. Novi Sad
Nathional Theatre Belgrade
Her earliest memories are related to the Theater. Even as a 2 year old, she spent many sleepless hours playing with the stage scenography. Her father was a ballet star of ex-Yugoslavia, and her mother was a founder of the first Ballet school in Sarajevo. They’ve had a critical role in her professional development, as the greatest critiques of her work. As a 16 year old, she got invited to participate at 6 week ballet seminar in Salt Lake City, Yuta, US, organized by the University of Yuta and Ballet West Company. She was offered a full scholarship for classical ballet at the University of Yuta, Ballet department, which she had to refuse due to unfortunate events in her home country.
She got permanent engagement in the National theater in Belgrade at the age of 17. In 2000 she was promoted to the position of First soloist of the National theater; and in 2004 to the position of the Principal ballet dancer.
In 2013 she graduated at the Faculty for Media and Communications Belgrade at Singidunum University Belgrade, with the topic “Progressive Artistic Practices that Preserve National Identity”.
Throughout her career, she was devoted to the education of young ballet dancers of the age of 3 to 18 . Since 2001 she has been teaching classical ballet in Ballet school Lujo Davičo in Belgrade. Since 2017, she is engaged as associate educator and choreographer at the private ballet school “Ballet Center Ana Pflug” for children of recreational and professional level. She is one of the founders of the “Manifestation of Children Creativity” - educational and humanitarian event which was held in December 2016, on the anniversary of UNICEF. Furthermore, she is active in organization of the “International Children’s Festival of Dance”, where she held workshops and master classes.
Dalija was also active as a jury member in: “The Festival of Choreographic Miniatures” (2010 and 2019), “Nataša Bošković” award since season 2016/2017, first „5678 Festival“ in 2018, “Fourth Balkan Olympiads” in 2019.
She has performed as a special guest at a gala concert at the American promotion of the ballet company "Mannakin Theater and Dance" at the "Legion of Honor", building of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco in August 2016.
At the end of the 2015/16 season in the National Theater, she ended her active career as a dancer, and continued to work with the ballet soloists as a ballet master of classical ballet in the plays "Don Quixote", "Bajadera," Swan Lake ", "Giselle”, “Sleeping Beauty, “The Nutcracker”.
Although she is recognized as a classical ballet dancer, her favorite roles are neoclassical role in “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and contemporary ballet role in “Who is singing over there”, which has been on the repertoire of the National theater in Belgrade for more than 15 years, with over 170 performances, both at home theater and around the world (Columbia, Italy, Canada, Egypt, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro...).
Giselle (L. Lavrovsky)
Sleeping Beauty (V. Logunov)
Copellia (D. Parlic)
The Fountain of Bakhchisaray (R. Kljavin)
Don Quixote (V. Logunov)
Swan Lake (D. Parlić)
El Amor Brujo (L. Pilipenko)
Samson and Delilah (L. Pilipenko)
Swan Lake (A. Simon)
Paquita (P. i Lj. Dobrijevic)
Alexander (R. Savković)
Solo in opera Faust (D. Trninic)
Cage (L. Pilipenko)
La spectre de la rose (M. Fokin)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (V. Logunov)
Sleeping Beauty (V. Logunov)
Romeo and Juliet (D. Parlić)
Who is singing over there (S. Zurovac)
Giselle (L. Lavrovski)
La Bayadera (G. Komleva)
Napoli (B. Stivel)
1991 silver medal at the V Yugoslav ballet competition in Novi Sad in the younger age group.
Finalists of the international ballet competition in Moscow in 1993 and 1994, Varna
1995. Recognition the National Theatre for the roles: Diamond Fary and Bluebird in "Sleeping Beauty" (V. Logunov)
2004 Award of Belgrade for MUSIC-theater production in 2004, the team of authors and the ballet ensemble of "Who is singing over there"
2005 Award "Dimitrije Parlić" for exceptional artistic and technical interpretation for her role in the ballet "Who is singing over there" (S. Zurovac)
Canada, Italy, Cyprus, Columbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Montenegro, Egypt, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia.
1996. „Giselle“ (M. Jovanović) Serbian Nathional Theatre, Novi Sad, Serbia
1996. „Waiting for the sky“ (S. Egnju) – dramatic pantomime performance , Little Theatre „Duško Radović“ Belgrade, Serbia
1997. „Waiting for the sky“ (S. Egnju) Budampest, Lovra, Hungary
2000. „Gala concert“ celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sarajevo Ballet , National Theatre Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2002. „Liderabend“ (V. Logunov) „Opera and Theatre Madlenianum“ Belgrade, Serbia
2002. „Giselle“ (E. Papo) National Theatre Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2004. „Odysseus“ (L. Lambrou) Rialto Teatar Limasol, Cyprus
2006. „Volfgang Amade“ (R. Zanela) „Opera and Theatre Madlenianum“ Belgrade, Serbia
2013. „L’Anniversaire“ (D. Nilsen) „Rex Theatre“, Belgrade, Serbia
2013. „Gala concert“ celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Ballet School Novi Sad , Serbia
2015. „Gala concert“, Maribor, Slovenia
Tel: +381 63 38 88 90
Main Data
Ensemble: Ballet
Status: Principal Danseuse (resident)